World War II

  1. 7. Place where Japanese-Americans were taken during World War II
  2. 8. Axis Country #3
  3. 9. walled off neighborhoods where Jews were forced to live
  4. 11. The attack on this military base brought the U.S. into the war
  5. 12. Murder of 6 million Jews, and 3 million others
  6. 14. weapon of mass destruction that destroyed an entire city
  7. 15. The year World War II started 19____
  8. 16. The Year World War II ended 19_____
  9. 17. Axis Country #1
  10. 18. Man who challenged the government on the forced movement of JapaneseAmericans
  11. 20. Invasion of this country started World War II
  12. 21. Axis Country #2
  1. 1. taken away by the U.S. government during forced relocations of Japanese Americans
  2. 2. Allied Country #2
  3. 3. Places where Jews were taken and killed by the Nazis
  4. 4. Allied Country #3
  5. 5. First city to be attacked using a new kind of bomb
  6. 6. Year the U.S. entered the war 19____
  7. 10. Second city to be bombed using a new kind of bomb, ending WWII in the Pacific
  8. 13. Turning point in the war, invasion of France
  9. 19. Allied Country #1