World War II

  1. 1. The ruling person; known as the person who started the war
  2. 3. Friends in war
  3. 6. Union An allied power in WWII
  4. 8. Enemies in war
  5. 14. The planes used by the military to drop bombs on lands
  6. 15. Hatred towards Jews
  7. 16. Jewish family; went into hiding in the secret annex
  8. 18. The first place the German's blew up; the American army base
  1. 1. The mass murder of 6 million Jews
  2. 2. Leader of Great Britain
  3. 4. German secret state police
  4. 5. President of USA
  5. 7. Hitler's soldiers
  6. 9. A large room for this purpose filled with gas
  7. 10. A mobile killing squad by the Jews
  8. 11. A place Jews were taken and often killed
  9. 12. The hated religion
  10. 13. The night of the broken glass
  11. 17. A object Jews were forced to wear to show their religion