World War II

  1. 3. ________was attacked forcing America two join the war
  2. 6. invaded China’s northern region of Manchuria in 1931.
  3. 8. This was used to convince people to dislike Jews
  4. 10. Two__________ were dropped on Japan forcing them to surrender
  5. 12. an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
  6. 13. A set of laws that are against Jews
  7. 14. hostility to or prejudice against Jews
  8. 17. Areas separated from the non-Jewish population.
  9. 20. The word created as a result of the holocaust
  1. 1. was China’s capital.
  2. 2. invaded Nanking in December 1937.
  3. 4. Natzis beliefs of the driving force in histrory
  4. 5. an atomic bomb was dropped on______
  5. 7. leader of the Natzi party
  6. 9. believed the welfare of his country was more important than personal freedoms.
  7. 11. used collectivization to take over farmlands in the Soviet Union.
  8. 15. In World War II, ___________ played a major role.
  9. 16. war A _________ is a military conflict in which nations mobilize all available resources in order to destroy another nation's ability to engage in the war.
  10. 18. An atomic bomb was dropped on______
  11. 19. Paris was liberated from Germany control in august