World War II

  1. 3. Only president to be elected for three terms.
  2. 7. Victory ___ were planted to help stop a shortage of food
  3. 8. A very well-known concentration camp
  4. 9. June 6, 1944, a fleet of Allied ships invaded France
  5. 12. ____ Camps were where Hitler kept the people he intended to kill
  6. 15. ____ Einstein helped create the atomic bomb along with other United States scientist
  7. 18. An alliance between Great Britain, France, Soviet Union,the United States, and China.
  8. 19. The Nuremberg ____ were held to prosecute people who helped Hitler of War Crimes
  9. 20. The people mostly attacked by Hitler
  10. 21. German Soldiers known for killing Jews and Saluting Hitler
  1. 1. The Japanese attack on United States Naval base in Pearl ___.
  2. 2. ____ Airmen were African American fighter pilots that trained in Tuskegee, Alabama
  3. 4. Battle of ____ where the United States Navy won a stunning victory
  4. 5. The country most known for the Holocaust and the Nazis
  5. 6. A dictator that killed Jews because he didn't like them
  6. 10. ____ Bombs were used at the end of World War II to end the war
  7. 11. One of the last countries to join the War.
  8. 13. An alliance between Germany, Japan, Italy.
  9. 14. ___ camps that were another type of concentration camps. Known for systematically killing people
  10. 16. Battle of the ___ is where Germany stated a counter attack on the Allied soldiers
  11. 17. A form of combat used during World War II.