World War II Crossword

  1. 2. A fictional character designed to encourage women to join the workforce during WWII.
  2. 3. This country bordered Germany and the USSR.
  3. 4. Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States during WWII.
  4. 6. You could only buy a set amount of a certain good so that the majority of that good could be sent overseas to help the war effort.
  5. 8. Italy's dictator during WWII.
  6. 11. The first Japanese city to be bombed by the United States during WWII.
  7. 17. The American president who ordered the drop of bombs on Japan during WWII.
  8. 18. USSR's dictator during WWII.
  9. 19. A political philosophy developed my Karl Marx that denounces capitalism and the ownership of private property.
  10. 20. The second Japanese city to be bombed by the United States during WWII.
  11. 22. The belief that "pure-blooded" Germans with blonde hair and blue eyes were the superior race.
  12. 23. June 6, 1944.
  13. 24. Germany, Italy, and Japan during WWII.
  14. 26. This was Hitler's attempt to systemically end the Jewish ethnic group in Europe by slowly killing them off.
  15. 27. Britain's prime minister during WWI.
  16. 29. Germany's dictator during WWII.
  1. 1. A policy that allowed the US to lend war supplies to any nation in the Allied Forces.
  2. 3. A preconceived, often negative, opinion about a race, gender, or religion that is not based on fact or reason.
  3. 5. Hatred, hostility, or discrimination targeted towards Jewish people.
  4. 7. Prison work camps used by Hitler to house Jewish people during WWII.
  5. 9. These were detention centers designed to hold Japanese American citizens during WWII.
  6. 10. a leader who rules with total authority, often in a cruel or brutal manner.
  7. 12. an ecconomic condition when money loses its value, but the cost of goods increases.
  8. 13. "Nationalist Socialist German Worker's Party."
  9. 14. This was the first major Japanese defeat during WWII.
  10. 15. America's president for the majority of WWII.
  11. 16. A political philosophy in which total power is given to a governing body at the expense of individual freedom.
  12. 21. Accepting demands in order to avoid conflicts.
  13. 25. The site of a surprise attack on the United States by the Japanese on December 17, 1941.
  14. 28. Japan's dictator during WWII.