World War II Crossword

  1. 2. The beach that 14 000 Canadian soldiers captured on D-Day
  2. 5. The name for the day Hong Kong, a British colony, fell to the Japanese Empire
  3. 8. Japanese Canadians _____ workers were considered “unfair competition”
  4. 9. Present in Canadian society throughout the war, leading to the denial of Jewish refugees and affecting Canada’s immigration policies
  5. 12. Secret German police force used to uphold fascist government
  6. 14. How(l) the Germans liked to attack Allied boats
  7. 16. A crucial piece of technology in winning the Battle of Britain
  8. 20. At the end of the war, Japanese Canadians were forced to “relocate”
  9. 22. New German war tactic
  10. 24. Young rebels against clothing restrictions
  11. 26. A flowering gift to Canada for liberating the Netherlands
  12. 28. The WWII alliance between 3 totalitarian states
  13. 29. The event that occurred hours before the Battle of Hong Kong and led to the USA joining the war with the Allies
  14. 31. His corpse was strung up on a metal pole, the end of a cruel and powerful leader
  15. 32. Women who married Canadian soldiers overseas and caused a huge influx of immigrants after the war
  16. 34. Japan’s declaration of war caused unavailability and rationing of ___ in the Far East
  17. 35. The right to vote
  18. 38. A huge Canadian contribution to the war effort that trained more than 130 000 pilots, navigators, flight engineers, air gunners, ground crew, and radio operators (acronym)
  19. 40. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations to continue invading _______
  20. 41. Soldiers jumping out of planes, a good number weren’t real to appear more substantial in size
  21. 43. A failed artist
  22. 44. It overtook agriculture as the most crucial component of Canada’s economy
  23. 45. Manuverable warships protecting vulnerable convoys
  24. 47. It was held in Canada over conscription during 1942
  25. 48. Working women would use _______ to tie their hair back
  26. 50. It is used to breed desirable offspring
  27. 51. The naval battle that lasted from the start to the end of WWII
  1. 1. The breaking of this agreement caused Stalin much grief
  2. 3. Italian fascist gangs who helped Mussolini rise to power
  3. 4. Code name for the development of the atomic bomb, to which Canada contributed uranium in 1942
  4. 6. Hitler's greatest mistake in WWII; the attack that broke Germany and the Soviet Union’s non-aggression pact
  5. 7. Code name for the Normandy Invasion
  6. 10. Secured “peace for our time”, as claimed by the British Prime Minister Chamberlain, Forced to resign as British Prime minister during WWII
  7. 11. Proved the Canadian government’s determination to improve the war effort, allowing conscription for home defence and eventually “zombies” for overseas service (acronym)
  8. 13. People of Japanese, German, and Italian descent living in Canada
  9. 15. What Churchill dubbed the “soft underbelly” of Europe and an invasion that was a component of the Italian Campaign
  10. 17. The Allied forces’ “miracle” evacuation, saving them from a horrible loss
  11. 18. Germany’s action with Austria that breached one of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
  12. 19. The previous name of the city Volgograd
  13. 21. A military tactic named after a rodent, used in Stalingrad
  14. 23. Canada’s _______ policy lead it to provide significant amounts of military and economic support to the Allies during WWII and caused a boom in the Canadian economy from increased demand for production
  15. 25. The alliance that kept its name from WWI
  16. 27. She became a symbol for working women during WWII
  17. 30. The cipher device that's development led to the first computer
  18. 33. Estonia, Lituania, Latvia
  19. 36. At the start of the war, Canada practiced _______ to avoid conscription mandates and returning into debt after a slow recovery from the Depression
  20. 37. The policy that Canada practiced of wanting to remain indifferent about issues in other countries
  21. 39. German for “the leader”
  22. 42. A devastating battle claimed to be both a valuable learning experience and a wasteful slaughter of Allied soldiers
  23. 46. Women who worked in the Canadian navy as operators, mechanics, coders, and drivers (acronym)
  24. 49. The group of people Hitler thought to be the “master race” possessing blonde hair, blue eyes, and white ethnicity