World War II Review

  1. 3. Victory in Japan Day in August 1945
  2. 6. Where Japanese-Americans were relocated following executive order 9066
  3. 8. In 1940, a series of air attacks and bombings, radar allowed for self-defense
  4. 10. Victory in Europe Day on May 8, 1945
  5. 11. One of the Japanese cities destroyed by a U.S. atomic bomb
  6. 12. Italian dictator, fascist, outlawed political parties, controlled the press
  7. 13. Became president after FDR died in 1945, decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan to end the war
  8. 14. Trials that charged individuals and held individuals accountable for actions during war-time, held in Germany
  9. 16. Japanese attack on U.S. on December 7, 1941
  10. 18. The Allied invasion of Germany controlled France on June 6, 1944
  11. 20. Alliance between Germany, Japan, and Italy
  12. 21. British Prime Minister, inspired Brits during the Battle of Britain, wrote Atlantic Charter, Lend-Lease deal with FDR
  1. 1. One of the Japanese cities destroyed by a U.S. atomic bomb
  2. 2. Soviet Union dictator, five year plans, collective farms, great purge, modernization, initially signed agreement with Germany (Nazis)
  3. 4. Group of African American pilots who were incredibly successful despite experiencing discrimination and segregation
  4. 5. U.S. President during WWII, supported democracy in Europe, wrote Atlantic Charter
  5. 7. U.S. First Lady and wife of FDR
  6. 9. The systematic murders of the Jews and others by Nazis in Eastern Europe
  7. 15. Great Britain, France, USSR, U.S., and Canada
  8. 17. German dictator, anti-Semitic, scapegoat, main aggressor in Europe
  9. 19. The U.S. project that developed the atomic bombs