World War II

  1. 3. an organization that many had hoped would succeed where the leage of nations failed
  2. 5. Named for the city that served as the center of Nazism
  3. 6. where members of specifically designated groups were confined
  4. 7. Temporary imprisonment of members of a specific group
  5. 9. Flying in the night to avoid being shot down
  6. 14. War in the Bataan peninsula
  7. 16. African American fighter squadron
  8. 17. Capturing Japanese held island in a steady path toward japan
  9. 20. Allies hit Germany in force. Occurred on June 6th, 1944
  1. 1. worked with Red Cross to save thousands of Eastern European Jews
  2. 2. Development of the atomic bomb
  3. 4. Giving up completley without concessions
  4. 8. international agreement governing the treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war
  5. 10. Bringing laborers from Mexico to America to work on farms
  6. 11. Helped kindle hope for American military in pacific
  7. 12. of War Information Worked closely with the media to encourage support of war effort
  8. 13. the big three agreed that Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania would hold free elections
  9. 15. Pilots who deliberately crashed their planes into American ships
  10. 18. where prisoners were systematically exterminated
  11. 19. Attacked by Japanese