  1. 2. a program that provided military aid to Great Britain
  2. 3. these acts outlawed arms sales or loans to warring nations
  3. 5. the President of the United States who decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan
  4. 7. the beach where the bloodiest fighting occurred during Operation Overlord
  5. 8. this project developed the atomic bomb
  6. 11. the "Master Race" Adolf Hitler envisioned in his literary work
  7. 12. he started the FASCIST movement after World War I
  8. 14. the aircraft that dropped the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima
  9. 16. the joint powers of Italy, Germany, and Japan
  10. 18. the country that joined forces with the United States and Great Britain during the Normandy invasion
  11. 19. the company that converted from making automobiles to aircraft during World War II
  1. 1. opposition to political and economic entanglements with other countries
  2. 4. the country that attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor
  3. 6. the name of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city of Nagasaki
  4. 8. the ideology of NAZISM was detailed in this literary work
  5. 9. the establishment of a fixed allotment of goods deemed essential for the military
  6. 10. the desired eye color of an ARYAN expressed by Adolf Hitler
  7. 13. the GERMAN brand of FASCISM
  8. 15. the documentary entitled "TIME OF FEAR" focused on Japanese-American internment camps located in this state
  9. 17. the country invaded by both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin