World War II

  1. 2. name of the Japanese emperor, known as Showa, who brought the rise of dictatorship to Japan through General Hideki Tojo.
  2. 3. the movement favored a strong national government and was found in Italy during World War II.
  3. 5. the city where representatives from the U.S., U.K., the Soviet Union, and China met to establish an organization meant to keep peace (United Nations).
  4. 6. an island invaded by U.S. marines. There was a six-month battle for this island that became a vicious campiagn. In the end, the U.S. cut off Japanese shipments, causing Japan to evacuate the island.
  5. 8. international organization established by the Treaty of Paris in an attempt to maintain peace. Nationalism to individual arguments prevented this organization from working efficiently.
  6. 9. an area in Western Germany that the treaty had made a demilitarized zone, meaning that it was free from control.
  7. 10. the prime minister in the United Kingdom who replaced Chamberlain. He told the British people to expect nothing but "blood, toil, tears, and sweat".
  1. 1. the name of the operation of the German invasion of the Soviet Union.
  2. 4. Hitler broke the Munich agreement and seized the rest of ______________ (country).
  3. 6. one of the causes of World War II. A worldwide economic slump that halted improvements and unemployed many in Europe and the U.S. in the late 1920s and 1930s.
  4. 7. a method of warfare introduced by the Germans, also known as lightning war.
  5. 11. German persecution of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and others. Millions were persecuted and murdered.