World War ll

  1. 2. Leader of Germany
  2. 4. the system that Canada made a vital role in transporting supplies to Britain
  3. 5. Which Beach at the Normandy Landings was Canada Responsible for
  4. 8. The Normandy Campaign had the most Canadian ____
  5. 9. The purpose of this battle was for Canada to gain success after the loss of the Battle of Hong Kong
  6. 11. How many navy vessles did Canada have in the beggining of WW2
  7. 12. 16 Canadians were awarded the Victoria Cross for the most conspicuous ____
  8. 13. Longest Battle
  9. 14. Canada's leader during WW2
  1. 1. 3,000 ____ Canadians volunteered in WW2
  2. 2. Genocide of European Jews
  3. 3. What day in September did WW2 officially start for Canada
  4. 6. Program that made Canada the flight school for all allied countries
  5. 7. First Atomic Bomb
  6. 10. What land did Canadians help to liberate during WW2