World War ll

  1. 2. A form of alternative dispute resolution in which both parties agree to havetheir case heard by a neutral party instead of a judge and jury.
  2. 4. A day where banks are closed
  3. 5. A monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of gold.
  4. 9. A disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus.
  5. 10. A deficit occurs when the federal government's spending exceeds its revenues.
  6. 11. (SSN) consists of non-contributory assistance existing to improve lives of vulnerable families and individuals experiencing poverty and destitution.
  1. 1. The idea of adding justices to the Supreme Court or lower courts to shift the balance in a liberal, conservative or other direction.
  2. 3. Roosevelt called his radio talks about issues of public concern
  3. 6. He was the leader of the Nazis
  4. 7. The government became a mediator between those interest groups, giving power to those who has enough political and economic power to demand it.
  5. 8. The basic idea was for workers to stop what they were doing on the assembly line and bring all production to a halt