World War One Terms

  1. 3. The policy that banned alcohol during WWI.
  2. 6. when the Schlieffen Plan failed both sides "dug in" to ___________ their positions (to regroup and stand their ground)
  3. 7. this type of gas was used by Germans in the 2nd Battle of Ypres.
  4. 10. this kind of wire was used in no-man's land to slow down enemy approaches or to keep them out all together.
  5. 12. the _________ front was largely fought in the land between Germany and Russia.
  6. 13. THIS movement by women represented their fight for the right to vote.
  7. 14. The NAME of Germany's great flying ace was the Red ________ (some claim he shot down 80 planes).
  8. 16. THESE kind of bonds were sold by the Canadian Government to Canadians to help raise money for the war effort.
  9. 19. this battle is considered to be one of the biggest military fails in British history and is known for how many deaths in the first few days.
  10. 21. THESE kinds of boards were used to help transport supplies and soldiers through the boggy trenches to prepare for battle.
  11. 22. over 1,000 people were killed when the Lusitania was sunk including 128 _______ (nationality) which contributed to the changing the course of the war.
  12. 25. at first pilots from both sides were friendly with each other and would wave at each other in the air but this stopped when pilots started bringing THESE in the air and shooting at each other.
  13. 27. province lost almost its entire regiment (91%) in one day of attack during the Battle of the Somme.
  14. 28. Canadians were sent to Ypres in 1915 to break the _________ (a position in which no side of the war is making any progress).
  1. 1. The policy that said all able bodied men would be required to join the war effort.
  2. 2. the name of the "passenger ship" that was sunk by a German submarine in 1915.
  3. 4. pilots were not allowed to take THESE in their planes because officers thought that when they came under attack in the air it would lead some to "abandon ship" (or plane).
  4. 5. what a sharpshooter was called during WWI
  5. 6. THIS Archduke was shot in Bosnia which ended up being the first part of triggering WWI.
  6. 8. the narrow strip between trenches with allies and their enemies on either side was called "No ____'s Land"
  7. 9. What planes were originally used for at the beginning of World War One.
  8. 11. the NAME of Canada's famous flying ace during WWI.
  9. 15. what a pilot was called during WWI
  10. 17. THIS kind of barrage was the military strategy created by Arthur Currie to cross no man's land and to capture Vimy Ridge.
  11. 18. THIS philosophy of expanding your colonial empire across the world was one of the key causes of WWI.
  12. 20. these kinds of posters were used by the Government to try to convince Canadians to join or support the war effort.
  13. 21. the TERM for when two airplaines were involved in head to head combat.
  14. 23. THIS German general devised the military plan to attack France through Belgium.
  15. 24. this three country alliance included France, Britain and Russia
  16. 26. the strategy of supply ships travelling together on the inside and being protected by corvettes on the outside to protect them from U-boats.
  17. 29. Going "Over the ______" was the term used when men were ordered to climb out of the trenches across No Man's Land fully exposed to attack.