World War One Vocabulary

  1. 3. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
  2. 5. A nickname for the inexperienced but fresh American soldiers during WWI
  3. 10. 1914-1918 the first global conflict
  4. 12. The draft, required American men to serve in the military
  5. 13. movement of African americans to northern cities
  6. 15. Powder keg of Europe
  7. 16. First permanent international security organization whose mission was to keep peace
  1. 1. information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause
  2. 2. Treaty particularly known for its harsh reparations towards the Germans after World War I.
  3. 4. Woodrow Wilson's plan to keep the peace after WW1
  4. 6. A strategy drawn up by Germany to avoid fighting a war on two fronts
  5. 7. German diplomat's secret message to Mexico urging an attack on the United States
  6. 8. American boat that was sunk by the German U-boats; made America consider entering WWI
  7. 9. Soldiers fire on one another from opposing lines of dugout trenches
  8. 11. purpose during WWI to increase the production of war supplies
  9. 14. Britian, France, Russia