World War One, World War Two, Cold War

  1. 3. The US remained this for the first two years of WW2.
  2. 4. The Germans used these to blow up ships, leading to the US involvement.
  3. 6. This wanted the "containment of communism" to be the main focus of the war- did not want communism to spread to more countries.
  4. 9. Created by the US after World War One, US never joined due to senator objection.
  5. 11. Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war.
  6. 12. Panic selling of this led to the stock market crash and mass removal of money from banks.
  7. 13. The Cold War was against this federation.
  8. 14. This was formed after WW2 to try to prevent another world war from ever happening again.
  9. 16. This country was split into two with its capital city being split by a wall.
  10. 17. Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio.
  11. 18. This was used by the US military where they would take over islands close to Japan to use as bases.
  12. 19. Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated to these in the US due to the fear that they were helping the enemy.
  1. 1. This plan was created by the US to help rebuild Europe after WW2.
  2. 2. Created international rules making countries treat POWs (prisoners of war) humanely.
  3. 4. Created by Roosevelt's program, this offered safeguards for workers and is still used today.
  4. 5. The reason why the US did not want to join the First World War.
  5. 7. Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2.
  6. 8. After the stock market crash of 1929, the US and the world was thrust into this due to a lack of money.
  7. 10. This program by Roosevelt led to the country recovering after the stock market crash and the Great Depression.
  8. 15. This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had.