World war

  1. 3. Ware fare in which the opposing forces attack and counterattack from relatively permanent system of trenches protected by barbed-wire entanglement
  2. 6. Communication of information to spread certain ideas, beliefs, or practices and shape or influence public opinion
  3. 7. a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society.
  4. 9. An international conflict in 1914-18 that involved most of the nations of Europe along with Russia,the Unites states,Middle east, and other regions
  5. 11. Devotion,allegiance, and loyalty to one's own country
  6. 12. rapid increase in an economy
  1. 1. the worst economic downturn in history of the industrialized world
  2. 2. A political movement that embraces far-right nationalism and the forceful suppression of any opposition
  3. 4. A temporary truce that halts fighting in order to negotiate terms of peace
  4. 5. economic theory where the production and distribution of goods is done.
  5. 8. compulsory military service in a country's armed force, enrolling of persons for military or naval service.
  6. 10. influenza caused by an influenza virus of type A, in particular that of the pandemic which began in 1918.