- 2. Maxican food, add ni to it and it becomes hydrabadi food item
- 7. retirement saving account so good that daddy name her first born after it
- 8. witcher's magic school location
- 12. Ira's new favorite reply to all questions these days
- 13. I existed before but Neil degrasse Tyson made me disappear, also disney dog
- 14. Mr. nobody
- 15. famous horror brothers
- 17. kaki and mommy never learned this
- 18. laliya ni loti and loko ni ... (gujarati word)
- 1. a diet type
- 3. first woman president of the USA (yes, you heard that correctly)
- 4. has anyone in the family even seen one?
- 5. Mommy airfries this (5,6)
- 6. flying punjab
- 9. rajasthani robot who never listens
- 10. dada's second profession
- 11. I am allergic to turmeric while my family is allergic to me
- 16. Indian gravy who usually scores the highest points ,say
- 17. Disney princess if you ring her she might make noise