Worms work

  1. 2. he grabs the worm and pulls hard because he wants his _______________. (140)
  2. 5. Now you see how much can be learned, even about such a small _________________ thing as a worm.(142)
  3. 8. The worm, however, holds fast by its hooks, or ____________.
  4. 9. Mr. Robin shows great _________ in the way he pulls the worm out of the hole. (140)
  5. 10. __________ know all the ways of these worms. (139)
  6. 11. some say that worms lie by their doors at _____________ for warmth. (140)
  1. 1. No boy could get the ____________ out in that way. (140)
  2. 3. Some tubes are very ______________. (141)
  3. 4. Worms love _____________, but they fear the cold. (140)
  4. 6. You can see the lines where the worms went as they __________________ them, ring by ring (141)
  5. 7. There is much more to be found out about worms, which I hope you will be glad to learn for yourselves by carefully studying God's ______________.(142)
  6. 8. In goes Mr. Robin's sharp _____________. (140)