Worship in Psalm

  1. 3. And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their ________. Psalm 78:35
  2. 6. The Lord is my ________ Psalm 23:1
  3. 7. _____ for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 98:4a
  4. 9. _____ the Lord with gladness Psalm 100:2
  5. 10. O sing unto the Lord a new ____. Psalm 98:1a
  1. 1. Shout joyfully to ___. Psalm 66:1
  2. 2. For Thou art my rock and my _______. Psalm 31:3
  3. 4. The ____ reigns, He is closed with majesty. Psalm 93:1
  4. 5. Enter into His gates with ____________. Psalm 100:4
  5. 8. _____ the Lord, O my soul. Psalms 103:22b