would war 2 terms/people

  1. 2. the belief of violence or any war unjustifiable
  2. 4. connection or joining
  3. 7. suicide bombing tactic used by the empire to blow japan up during world war 2
  4. 8. a group of 31 countries from europe and north america that exsists to protect people and terriotory
  5. 9. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
  6. 10. a border area of czechoslovakia contains majority ethnic german population
  7. 11. a place where large numbers of people prisoners or members of jewish minorities are imprisoned and forced to do labor or killed
  8. 13. principal that the us should give suppoert to coutries people threatended by soviet communists
  1. 1. the action or processing of appeasing
  2. 3. an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory
  3. 5. proposed that the united states provide economic assistance to restore infrastructure of post war europe
  4. 6. set up a system that would allow the united states to lend or lease war supplies to any nation vital to the u.s
  5. 12. air weapon