Wound Care

  1. 1. Skin that lacks color.
  2. 3. One of several important factors in healing of wounds.
  3. 7. Open area on plantar aspect of foot, thick circular callous around opening.
  4. 10. Fluid that is in response to damaged tissues trying to heal.
  5. 11. Thick colored drainage in white,tan, green, yellow, doesn't automatically mean infection.
  6. 12. Foul Odor, increased of the following; warmth, pain,fever, and elevated white cell count purulent exudate.
  7. 13. Largest organ in the body.
  8. 15. Thin, clear to pink tinge or with dots/streaks of red in clear discharge from wound.
  9. 17. Thin, dry, shiny skin, reddish brown(hemosiderin) staining on lower legs.
  10. 18. Focal redness on the skin.
  11. 19. Wound extends through epidermis and dermis into the subcutaneous/fat tissue, may see muscle or bone.
  12. 21. Abnormal firmness of tissue in a definite margin.
  13. 24. How a wound is measured.
  1. 1. Wound extends through epidermis, and part of dermis.
  2. 2. Wounds need to be ______ to heal properly.
  3. 4. Loose, sometimes stringy,leathery in appearance tissue.
  4. 5. tissue that has been softened by excess moisture and is white in appearance.
  5. 6. Causes of a wound can be pressure,_______, PAD, VI, Diabetes.
  6. 8. Injury usually a result of continuous pressure over a bony prominence.
  7. 9. an overgrowth of bacterium or microorganisms that damages tissues or impairs healing.
  8. 14. Thin,clear,watery drainage from wound.
  9. 16. Thin watery(serum) colored discharge, white, tan, green, yellow discharge from wound.
  10. 20. Thick red drainage, true fresh bleeding from wound tissue.
  11. 22. Cyanosis , Diminished temperature and pulses in limb.
  12. 23. Head is twelve O'Clock and feet are six O'Clock- in reference to L X W for measuring a Wound
  13. 25. An open area of the skin caused by Trauma, pressure,circulation dysfunction or diabetes.