Wound Care Nursing

  1. 2. Accumulation of pus enclosed anywhere in the body
  2. 7. Broad term referring to wounds and sores
  3. 10. A mild inflammatory process caused by moisture and skin-to-skin friction
  4. 12. A protein involved in the clotting process required in the granulation phase of healing
  5. 13. Removal of epidermis by mechanical means, usually tape
  6. 14. Loss of epidermis/dermis or mucous membrane with definite margins
  7. 16. Covered with eschar or slough which prohibits complete assessment of the wound
  8. 19. Dead cells and fluid that collects between dressing changes and needs cleaning off the wound bed to allow healing
  9. 20. Loss of epidermis
  10. 21. Necrotic tissue, usually black or brown
  11. 22. A break in the integrity of the skin
  12. 23. Defect or cavity that can result in abscess formation
  13. 24. An important cell used in wound healing
  14. 26. Area of tissue destruction extending under the skin along the periphery of the wound, appearing smaller than actual size
  15. 27. Inflammation or infection of skin cells that cause redness, heat, pain, and edema
  1. 1. Removal of foreign material and devitalized or contaminated tissue from a wound until healthy tissue is exposed
  2. 3. Attracting moisture
  3. 4. The mechanical process of wearing away by friction
  4. 5. Polysaccharide matrix formed by organisms on surface wound "happy little bacteria community"
  5. 6. Pain related to poor or compromised blood supply, acute
  6. 8. The process of breakdown of dead tissue or deviated tissue with the use of enzymes
  7. 9. Sliding of skin over subcutaneous tissues and bones causing a kink in cutaneous capillaries which lead to ischemia
  8. 11. Swelling
  9. 15. Destruction of tissue around the infected area, channels extending from the central injury into the surrounding tissue
  10. 17. Necrotic tissue, usually soft and yellow that can adhere to the wound bed
  11. 18. The protein that is the main component of many major parts of the body and wound healing
  12. 25. Thick fluid composed of leukocytes, bacteria and cellular debris