Wrist and Hand Injuries

  1. 3. known as De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
  2. 5. Tendonitis and tenosynovitis
  3. 7. inflammation of nerves, tendons and sheath
  4. 8. can happen at DIP, PIP, and MCP joint
  5. 10. loss of blood supply to the lunate
  6. 11. direct force of compressive force
  7. 12. Prolonged pressure on palms
  8. 13. extensor tendon avulsion at DIP joint
  9. 14. sprain of ulnar collateral ligament
  1. 1. rupture of extensor tendon at middle phalanx
  2. 2. From contract from holding something
  3. 4. synovial cyst on dorsal side of wrist
  4. 6. Rupture of Flexor Digitorum profundus tendon
  5. 8. Most commonly dislocated wrist bone
  6. 9. mistook as a wrist sprain