Writing types

  1. 1. A first-person writing about one's self
  2. 5. Short informational advertisement on a sheet of paper
  3. 8. Writing about places you've been
  4. 10. A piece of writing typically meant to describe something.
  5. 11. An audio-based experience
  6. 12. A personal writing for yourself
  7. 14. Ment to be read aloud on stage as if you are saying it
  8. 15. A piece of writing that is typically a test
  9. 16. An analysis in the news paper
  1. 2. An educated opinion of something
  2. 3. A fiction story.
  3. 4. Writing on the internet about stories
  4. 5. Writing about someone's life
  5. 6. A serious investigation of something
  6. 7. A piece of writing to inform you of new events
  7. 9. Short informational educating paper
  8. 13. Typically used to promote something