- 3. general rule that is usually accurate
- 5. organized knowledge about the world
- 8. retinal image of object
- 10. mental representation of visual stimuli
- 14. looking inward
- 16. remembering that you need to do something in the future
- 17. the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- 20. you will remember more information if you try to relate that information to yourself
- 23. face blindness
- 26. when people share similar schemas that create a mutual understanding
- 27. when you solve the problem
- 28. restrictions that make it difficult to proceed from the initial state to the goal state
- 29. trouble producing language
- 30. visible movements of any part of your body, which you use to communicate
- 1. when one recalls pleasant items more than negative ones
- 2. at the beginning of the problem
- 4. people respond faster to an item if it was preceded by an item with similar meaning
- 6. interrelated units of language that are larger than a sentence
- 7. your knowledge about your cognitive processes
- 9. someone might recall experiences better that are consistent with their mood
- 11. your thoughts about comprehension
- 12. concentration of mental effort on sensory or mental events
- 13. a figure that is slightly tilted will be remembered as being either more vertical or more horizontal than it really is
- 15. part of working memory that helps focus attention, plan, and coordinate behavior
- 18. identify an English word that sounds similar to the new word you want to learn
- 19. uses previous knowledge to gather and interpret the stimuli registered by the senses
- 21. meanings of words and sentences
- 22. ideal representative of a category
- 24. our knowledge of the social rules that underlie language use
- 25. processes involved in retaining, retrieving, and using information after the original information is no longer present