  1. 3. Hilter genocide of a certain race
  2. 6. Who was the leader of Britain during World War 2
  3. 8. of Okinawa Where was the final battle of world war 2
  4. 11. of Stalingrad which battle did Germany attempt to take over Russia
  5. 12. leader of Germany during World War 2
  1. 1. Who was the President of the United States during World War 2
  2. 2. harbor name of the attack of the Japanese on the Americans
  3. 4. Why did japan bomb pearl harbor
  4. 5. What kind of government was Italy
  5. 7. leader of Japan during World War 2
  6. 9. leader of France during World War 2
  7. 10. Bomb What deadly bomb was dropped in world war 2