WW Les 2: Josh Grzeczka

  1. 2. To remove water from something
  2. 4. An angry or painful expression
  3. 7. Done with very little effort and hastily
  4. 11. To give up and or pass away
  5. 13. To make a whole hearted attempt
  6. 14. To receive from a outlet
  1. 1. A list of on hand items
  2. 3. To receive power from wires
  3. 5. To show evidence or proof to confirm a theory
  4. 6. Very disgusting and or causing utter horror
  5. 8. To fake and or try to
  6. 9. worn away via rubbing and or friction
  7. 10. Done with great care and caution
  8. 11. To make an educated guess
  9. 12. covered in cloth or clothing