  1. 2. A faction of the communist Marxist Party in Russia that gained power during the Russian Revolution. CentralPowers The Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. Conscript A person who is enlisted into the army whether they want to join or not.
  2. 7. The Big Four were the leaders from the four Major Allies including Britain, France, Italy, and the U.S.
  3. 8. the Christmas Truce was an unofficial cease fire between the two sides of World War I
  4. 9. President Woodrow Wilson issued Fourteen Points that were his goals for an end to World War I
  5. 12. - The Treaty between the Allies and Germany that ended World War
  6. 14. - The original alliance between Russia, France, and Britain. It later became the Allied Powers.
  7. 15. An agreement by both sides to stop fighting
  8. 16. Large, heavy guns used on land warfare.
  1. 1. Boards placed on the bottom of trenches to keep the soldier's feet dry and out of the water or mud. Dreadnought Dreadnoughts were large and heavily armored battleships.
  2. 3. Front The Eastern Front during World War I was fought in Eastern Europe
  3. 4. The nickname for US soldiers in World War I.
  4. 5. line The front line was the point at which the armies of each side met.
  5. 6. A geographical region in Southeast Europe.
  6. 10. - A peace treaty between the Central Powers and Russia.
  7. 11. An effort to prevent goods and/or people from entering or leaving a country.
  8. 13. - A type of land warfare where each side digs trenches for protection.