  1. 1. Who were the three main powers of the allies.
  2. 5. What type of warfare was used in World War 1.
  3. 6. Which treaty ended World War 1.
  4. 10. What was Woodrow Wilson's plan for the post war world.
  5. 11. What invention allowed countries to scout enemy positions from the air.
  6. 12. An armored vehicle first introduced at the battle of the Somme.
  7. 14. What message was sent to mexico by the Germans.
  8. 16. A major naval battle between Germany and Britain.
  9. 19. Who was the the president of the U.S. during World War 1.
  10. 20. What was known as the powder keg of Europe.
  11. 21. What was Germany's plan to invade France through Belgium and then Attack Russia.
  12. 22. What weapon was banned after its use in World War 1.
  1. 2. Who's assassination lead to World War 1
  2. 3. Who were the Central Powers.
  3. 4. What were the four main causes of World War 1.
  4. 7. An agreement to stop fighting.
  5. 8. What countries were the Big Four.
  6. 9. What organization was created after world war 1 to prevent future wars.
  7. 13. What treaty ended fighting on the eastern front.
  8. 15. The failed ally invasion of the Ottoman Empire.
  9. 17. What passenger ship was sunk by a German torpedo.
  10. 18. Who was the leader of Germany during World War 1.