  1. 2. WW1 lasted … years
  2. 4. On August 26, 1914, one of the first battles of World War 1…
  3. 5. bloodiest battles of World War I…
  4. 7. Requiring men to register with the government
  5. 9. When the U.S. joined the war, there was only …men
  6. 10. Sprays out 500 rounds per minute…
  7. 12. Austria Hungary took over this country…
  8. 13. first documented wartime…
  9. 14. ….. ….. Dominated WW1
  10. 17. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey
  11. 18. Assassination of Archduke Franz…
  12. 19. one of the longest battles of World War I. On February 21, 1916…
  13. 21. Something known as PTSD…
  14. 23. The area between the trenches of both sides…
  15. 24. superheavy German siege guns intended to break modern fortresses in France…
  1. 1. Germany signed the Treaty of…
  2. 3. What country joined the war late…
  3. 6. France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States…
  4. 8. The war ended this month…
  5. 11. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism…
  6. 15. France entered into war against Germany to defend…
  7. 16. America traded … more with Britain and France
  8. 20. Could destroy machine gun nests…
  9. 22. German U-boat torpedoed the luxury steamship…