WW1 Crossword

  1. 5. War in which each interested nations economies are producing mostly wartime goods
  2. 7. A war strategy in which both sides fire shells at each other from dug-out positions.
  3. 8. Two forms of comunisum
  4. 9. Underwater torpedo launching vessel, used mostly by Germany in WW1
  5. 11. A Group of allied nations comprised of France, Brittan, and Russia among others.
  6. 17. Russian Advisor to tzar Nicholas the second
  7. 18. Extreme Pride in ones nation
  8. 19. Warfare in which every nation puts all available resources and manpower into a conflict
  9. 23. Assassinated The archduke Franz Ferdinand
  1. 1. U.S. president at the time of WW1
  2. 2. The Assassinated archduke of Austria-Hungary
  3. 3. Nefarious German communication with Mexico
  4. 4. Officially ended WW1
  5. 6. A Group of allied nations comprised of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy among others.
  6. 10. Here battles were waged in between France, and Germany.
  7. 12. Russia V.S. Germany
  8. 13. Group of Communist revolutionaries
  9. 14. Aces, and Aircraft
  10. 15. A Group of allied nations comprised of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and The ottoman empire among others.
  11. 16. Nations such as Belgium.
  12. 17. Strongest Military leader in American history ; "6 star general"
  13. 20. A Group of allied nations comprised of France, Brittan, America, Italy, and Russia among others.
  14. 21. Cease-Fire; 11/11/191
  15. 22. Lenin's Right hand man