- 2. An agreement made by Russia and Austria-Hungary saying Russia would support them no matter what
- 3. Extending a countries power and influence using military power
- 6. A threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face consequences
- 8. A persons affection and support of their country
- 10. A terrorist organization that threatened to kill Archduke Ferdinand
- 13. The desire to maintain a good military operation
- 16. A series of battles where one side would simply try to outlast the other side
- 17. Close association of nations for the achievement of common objectives
- 18. A war tactic which used trenches spread out usually 400 meters apart
- 19. The making of industries within a country
- 20. A British policy regarding the navy
- 1. A less formal group of arrangements which France, Russia, and Britain agreed upon
- 4. The support of all Slavic people to one union
- 5. An alliance consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
- 7. A war which a country must fight on two distinct fronts
- 9. A plan made to avoid a two front war
- 11. When officers order the command to run across No Mans Land
- 12. A narrow strip between trenches
- 14. Competitions between countries to get weapons
- 15. A war in which the laws are not accounted for