- 1. An international war where all of a country's resources are used to destroy another country
- 6. Debt / ____ was a major effect of the war causing countries to continuously print money
- 9. of the Somme / One of the largest battles, known as the bloodiest battle.
- 10. This increased tension over territories and boundaries
- 13. This intensified rivalries between nations
- 17. Clemenceau / French prime minister that pushed for reperations from Germans
- 21. the assassination of ___ was a main cause of the war
- 25. of Nations / General assciation of nations whose job was to protect the independence of all countries
- 26. of Versailles / Treaty between the Allies and Germany that forced Germany to accept guilt and pay reparations
- 27. Warfare / Deep ditches that the war was fought from
- 2. Million / ____ soldiers died from starvation, disease, and displacement
- 3. Wilson / The president of the United States during the war
- 4. / Nine milion soldiers died in __
- 5. Points / Peace plan made by Wilson
- 7. Treaties to defend one another in the event of war
- 8. A telegraph sent by Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance
- 11. Information used to change public opinion
- 12. The massive arms buildup
- 14. / A passenger ship shot down by Germany and was an event that lead to America joining the war
- 15. Journalism based upon sensational stories
- 16. Plan / Germany's plsn to invade France through Belgium
- 18. Group of volunteer soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War
- 19. Alliance between Britain, France, Russia, and the U.S.
- 20. Alliance between Germany, Turkey, and Austria-Hungary
- 22. German Submarine
- 23. Mans Land / The stretch of land between the front line trenches that contained barbed wire, corpses, and land mines
- 24. Battle of the Marne / Battle in France where the Alies defeated Germany in 1918