WW1 Review

  1. 1. When two or more countries promise to protect one another
  2. 4. A type of combat in which opposite troops fight from trenches
  3. 6. An agreement to stop fighting a war
  4. 7. The peace treaty to end WW1
  5. 9. The side that consisted of Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria
  6. 11. When a country wants to stay isolated from a war
  7. 12. A strong attachment to one's country
  8. 13. An infection soldiers would get from standing in the water in the trenches
  9. 15. The American ship that sunk and brought America into WW1
  1. 2. When a stronger country takes over a weaker country
  2. 3. An organization with a goal to prevent future wars
  3. 5. The side that consisted of U.S., Britain, France, and Russia
  4. 8. The government told the American people what they could eat
  5. 10. American families would use these to plant their own foods during WW1
  6. 14. The build-up of military