WW1 Soós_Krisztián_Junior

  1. 2. an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
  2. 3. The last monarch of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
  3. 6. a prominent British statesman and Prime Minister known for his leadership during World War II
  4. 8. is a watercraft designed for underwater operation, serving various purposes such as military and scientific missions.
  5. 10. három kelet-európai ország szövetségére: Csehszlovákia, Románia és Jugoszlávia
  6. 11. refers to historically significant days associated with tragedy or disaster.
  7. 14. Russian revolutionary and the first leader of the Soviet Union, instrumental in the October Revolution of 1917.
  8. 15. Political ideology seeking to reclaim lost territories or national pride, often driven by a desire for revenge.
  1. 1. A situation in which neither side makes significant progress, often seen in trench warfare during World War I.
  2. 4. The formal surrender or yielding to an opponent in war, outlining conditions for ceasing hostilities.
  3. 5. Archduke whose assassination in 1914 triggered the events leading to World War I.
  4. 7. a small elegant villa. especially : one in the grounds of a larger establishment.(peace treaty)
  5. 9. a heavy armoured fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track.
  6. 12. signed in 1919, marking the official end of World War I and imposing terms on Germany.
  7. 13. The use of toxic substances, such as mustard gas, as weapons in warfare, notably seen in World War I.