WW1 Vocab

  1. 3. US president at the time of World War 1 and one of the leaders of the "Big Four" nations
  2. 6. Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary who's death started World War 1
  3. 7. A type of warfare fought from trenches to protect soldiers from gunfire and artillery
  4. 10. England France Russia-Serbia US (1917)
  5. 12. German Submarines
  6. 15. A British cargo & passenger ship that was sunk by German submarines
  7. 17. A law that required unmarried men & men without dependents that were of fighting age to enlist in the draft
  8. 18. Woodrow Wilson's plan for enduring world peace after the horror of World War 1
  9. 19. Identifying with one's own nation and supporting its interests even if it negatively impacts other nations
  10. 20. The peace treaty that was signed on June 28, 1919 that officially ended World War 1
  11. 21. A telegram sent by German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Ambassador in Mexico
  12. 23. The state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict
  13. 24. War bonds sold to American citizens as a means to finance the US participation in World War 1
  1. 1. The unrestricted use of submarines during the war by the Germans, beginning February 1st, 1917
  2. 2. Countries with the same beliefs siding with each other
  3. 4. Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Italy
  4. 5. Supreme Court ruled that individuals' rights could be legally limited when there is a clear and present danger to the nation
  5. 8. Biased and misleading information used to promote a particular cause or point of view
  6. 9. International organization of world nations that resolve disagreements to avoid future warfare between nations
  7. 11. A stronger country taking over a weaker country
  8. 13. Countries building strong militaries
  9. 14. Law that made it illegal to convey information intended to interfere with the war effort
  10. 16. Law made to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal
  11. 22. Using less of valuable resources like wheat, meat, sugar, fats, coal, and oil so more was available for the war