WW1&WW2 Summary/Assessment Prep

  1. 2. The cause of WW1 that 'sparked' WW1
  2. 4. Hitler wanted to be one of these
  3. 6. The place where the Treaty that ended WW1 was signed
  4. 8. the actions of this country got the USA involved in WW2
  5. 9. a new category of weapon that finally ended WW2
  6. 13. the country where the Austrian/Hungarian Duke was shot
  7. 14. A significant cause of WW1
  8. 15. Germany had to agree to accepting all of this for WW1
  9. 16. Hitlers father may have been one of these
  1. 1. different wars will have similar and different ________
  2. 2. our __________ will be about comparing to International Conflicts
  3. 3. The name given to way Mussolini ruled
  4. 5. A significant cause of WW1
  5. 7. A significant cause of WW1
  6. 10. A significant cause of WW1
  7. 11. the battle of______ was the battle in the air that helped turn WW2 against Germany
  8. 12. this country wanted big revenge on Germany