- 3. 6th June 1944
- 6. What title was given to Hitler in 1933?
- 8. the event that occurred 4 days after the fall of Singapore
- 10. The railway worked on by POWs
- 11. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death marches
- 13. The book by Adolf Hitler
- 16. In what country was the first atomic bomb dropped?
- 18. The American General sent to Australia to establish an American military base
- 19. the track in PNG that was apart of a major campaign
- 1. Father of the atomic bomb
- 2. Name of research assignment to develop the Atomic Bomb?
- 4. The Australian PM that made 2 famous speeches and welcomed the alliance with the US
- 5. Which country dropped the Atomic bomb?
- 7. Where did Hitler write his book?
- 9. The country where Anne Frank was born
- 10. the name of the Treaty that was signed to end WW1
- 12. The treaty between Aus, Nz and the US
- 14. a famous POW
- 15. Hitler's 'superior' race
- 17. The event that caused the US to enter the war