  1. 3. 6th June 1944
  2. 6. What title was given to Hitler in 1933?
  3. 8. the event that occurred 4 days after the fall of Singapore
  4. 10. The railway worked on by POWs
  5. 11. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death marches
  6. 13. The book by Adolf Hitler
  7. 16. In what country was the first atomic bomb dropped?
  8. 18. The American General sent to Australia to establish an American military base
  9. 19. the track in PNG that was apart of a major campaign
  1. 1. Father of the atomic bomb
  2. 2. Name of research assignment to develop the Atomic Bomb?
  3. 4. The Australian PM that made 2 famous speeches and welcomed the alliance with the US
  4. 5. Which country dropped the Atomic bomb?
  5. 7. Where did Hitler write his book?
  6. 9. The country where Anne Frank was born
  7. 10. the name of the Treaty that was signed to end WW1
  8. 12. The treaty between Aus, Nz and the US
  9. 14. a famous POW
  10. 15. Hitler's 'superior' race
  11. 17. The event that caused the US to enter the war