
  1. 2. easy to be injured both physical and emotional
  2. 4. moving in a clumsy or awkward way
  3. 6. something that is made up in the mind but has no connection with reality
  4. 7. being alone or distance away from people
  5. 9. living by killing and eating other animals
  6. 10. coming earlier in time
  7. 12. Wise in a clever way
  8. 13. to eat up quickly
  9. 14. imaginary not real
  1. 1. to search for something
  2. 3. a birds feathers
  3. 5. true
  4. 7. to kill in order to obtain meat
  5. 8. expressing a low opinion intending to hurt someone or something
  6. 11. a choice of food