  1. 3. Country with the city of Paris
  2. 4. Ruler of Germany during WW2
  3. 6. Refused to move on the bus and got arrested
  4. 8. Agreement to prevent a war
  5. 9. Lightning War
  6. 11. Country that the atomic bombs were aimed at
  7. 13. Dictator title in Germany
  8. 15. German for 'living space'
  9. 16. 'Sacrifice by fire' in Hebrew
  10. 18. First country Germany took control of in WW2
  11. 19. Hate on Jews
  1. 1. Night of the broken glass
  2. 2. Type of ruler a Fuhrer is
  3. 5. Germany's air force weapon in the Battle of Britain
  4. 7. Father of the atomic bomb
  5. 8. Where Hitler was born
  6. 10. I have a dream speech
  7. 12. the Treaty of Versailles was signed there
  8. 14. Blamed for WW1
  9. 17. On the 6.6.1944 at Omaha Beach