
  1. 2. US.helping great britain with supplies for land
  2. 5. Japanese surprise attack on pearl harbor
  3. 7. Hitlers fascist party
  4. 9. A leader who rules with total authority in a cruel or brutal manner Individual human rights and freedoms are restricted
  5. 11. Great britain,usa,ussr and France
  6. 13. Prison and work camps for civilians
  7. 15. Hitlers final solution genocide
  8. 16. Feelings towards gender,race and religion
  9. 17. hatred and discrimination towards jews
  1. 1. Fictional character for motivation
  2. 3. Americans were sent to detention camps
  3. 4. Social activity controlled by very powerful people
  4. 6. Germany ,italy,and japan
  5. 8. Prices rise and money loses value
  6. 10. Can only buy a certain amount of goods
  7. 12. Taking away people's rights
  8. 14. Accepting demands to avoid conflicts