- 1. Somebody who refused to give up her seat on a bus and was arrested.
- 3. Southern christian leader conference that wanted nonviolence.
- 5. Head man of NAACP
- 6. Black people who rode busses south to prove the equality.
- 9. What allowed blacks to vote.
- 10. First african americans to go to arkansas public schools.
- 12. Black law school student that sued the school for not letting him in.
- 13. Minister that called for a violent revolution
- 14. a way to register African american votes.
- 15. a leader of indian independence movement. He was non violence
- 18. White people stopped sending their kids to school in new york.
- 19. When people are treated differently based on skin color.
- 2. Hiring more minorities and women to make up for past discrimination.
- 4. Banned discrimination in jobs and businesses.
- 5. He spoke for african american and helped with Boycotting.
- 7. The leader of the MFPD but was fired for registering to vote.
- 8. When black people raise their fist to show they have power to
- 11. First african american baseball player
- 16. The study of Urban Rioting, poverty and segregation.
- 17. Mayor of atlanta and help peacefully integrate schools.