  1. 4. area of mines and concrete obstacles built by the Germans at Normandy
  2. 6. Written by Hitler while in prison outlining to Germany how to rise back to power
  3. 8. US ship where the surrender was signed by Japan ending WW2
  4. 9. High cliff on Iwo Jima fortified with Japanese fighters
  5. 13. Initial Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was from these that had entered the harbor prior to the planes
  6. 17. Japan also hit this Pacific island where General Douglas MacArthur was located
  7. 22. Great Britains Air Corps
  8. 24. Color of badge worn by Jehovahs Witnesses in the camps
  9. 27. Phantom army group headed by General George Patton to fool the Germans
  10. 28. Area within New Mexico where the atomic bomb was being experimented with
  11. 29. 1936, greatest Propaganda campaign
  12. 32. Turning point for the US in the Pacific Theater
  13. 33. Attacked on December the 7th 1941
  14. 34. National ___________ Germany Workers Party
  15. 37. The one major type of ship missing at Pearl Harbor
  16. 38. Adolf Hitler wanted this occupation after dropping out of high school
  17. 39. Conference that included Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin to talk about post war Germany
  18. 41. German Air Force, led by Goring
  19. 42. Policy allowing the US to lend war goods to nations standing up for democracy
  20. 44. 1st. atomic bomb dropped on Japan - the nickname
  21. 45. Gas used to kill mass numbers of Jews in the camps
  22. 47. Deputy Fuhrer to Hitler, met in prison
  23. 48. Conference of German leadership where the Final Solution was decided upon to the Jewish Question
  24. 49. 1st aircraft carrier vs carrier battle, ended in a tie
  25. 51. Battle that brought about the end of Germany in the Atlantic Theater
  26. 52. Battle location where Desmond Doss's actions earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor
  27. 53. Women's Auxiliary Army Corps
  28. 55. Churchill called Germanys Luftwaffe attack over London The Battle of ________
  29. 56. 5 Star General who planned the entire invasion of Normandy
  30. 59. Women's Air Service Pilots
  31. 62. German military practice of Lightning War
  32. 63. Americas Naval Response to Pearl Harbor's attack
  33. 65. Area of France where D-Day would be launched
  34. 66. Most historians argue the start of WW2 was when this county was invaded
  35. 68. Color of badge worn by homosexuals in the camps
  36. 70. 1st major battle Japan used Kamikazes
  37. 72. American citizens were asked to save on sugar, meat, wheat, rubber, and metal in a program of....
  38. 74. Color of badge worn by political prisoners in the camps
  39. 75. Invasion of Normandy France by the US was called this
  40. 76. Island battle where the famed raising the flags picture was captured
  41. 78. This policy of boarding all Japanese in America as a plan against espionage
  42. 79. Japan invaded the Philippines and conducted this to Camp O'Donnell
  1. 1. Color of badge worn by asocials such as Roma in the camps
  2. 2. Area hit by the first atomic bomb
  3. 3. Children born in the US of Japanese immigrants
  4. 5. Pact signed by both Russia and Germany early in WW2
  5. 7. Name of the plane launched to drop the 1st atomic bomb
  6. 10. Celebrities providing support for the soldiers and their families during WW2, Hosted by Bob Hope
  7. 11. Policy to help Allied nations purchase war goods from the US without violating neutrality
  8. 12. Many of these during the Battle of Britain came from th eUS
  9. 14. Germany;s invasion of Russia nickname
  10. 15. US ship at Pearl Harbor that capsized
  11. 16. The Treaty that was not viewed as valid to the German Government
  12. 18. Color of the badge worn by the Jews in the camps
  13. 19. Selling these helped pay for the US involvement in the war
  14. 20. Another name for the US Draft
  15. 21. plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki
  16. 23. US Ship that carried all the components of the atomic bomb to be put together, sunk in shark infested waters
  17. 25. Code name for the atomic bomb project
  18. 26. The Green Light Letter by FDR said that this sport would continue during the early portions of WW2
  19. 30. Great Britains policy to slow Germany down as they worked through Europe
  20. 31. Became President of the US following FDR's stroke
  21. 35. German for living space and the ideology to expand
  22. 36. Horrific example of crimes against humanity by Japan against China
  23. 40. The area where Germany surrendered in WW1 and now making France surrender in WW2
  24. 43. Hitler and his inner circle of friends went down into this below Berlin
  25. 46. Aircraft carrier that was assumed sunk by the Japanese at Coral
  26. 50. 2nd atomic bomb dropped on Japan - the nickname
  27. 52. Main beach during the Normandy invasion attacked by the US
  28. 54. Night Of_____ _______, getting rid of all political rivals to Hitler
  29. 57. Assaulted by the Japanese Imperial Army with potential war crimes
  30. 58. More than 1/2 the casualties at Pearl Harbor were aboard this ship
  31. 60. When the USS Indianapolis was sunk, the men had to deal with these sea creatures
  32. 61. Color of badge worn by criminals in the camps
  33. 64. Term for those born in Japan but immigrated to the US
  34. 67. The Night of Broken Glass
  35. 69. FDR Speech known as the Day Of __________, in regards to the attack on Pearl Harbor
  36. 71. Japanese suicide fighter pilot
  37. 73. Area hit by the 2nd atomic bomb
  38. 77. Operation code name of the invasion of Normandy