- 4. area of mines and concrete obstacles built by the Germans at Normandy
- 6. Written by Hitler while in prison outlining to Germany how to rise back to power
- 8. US ship where the surrender was signed by Japan ending WW2
- 9. High cliff on Iwo Jima fortified with Japanese fighters
- 13. Initial Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was from these that had entered the harbor prior to the planes
- 17. Japan also hit this Pacific island where General Douglas MacArthur was located
- 22. Great Britains Air Corps
- 24. Color of badge worn by Jehovahs Witnesses in the camps
- 27. Phantom army group headed by General George Patton to fool the Germans
- 28. Area within New Mexico where the atomic bomb was being experimented with
- 29. 1936, greatest Propaganda campaign
- 32. Turning point for the US in the Pacific Theater
- 33. Attacked on December the 7th 1941
- 34. National ___________ Germany Workers Party
- 37. The one major type of ship missing at Pearl Harbor
- 38. Adolf Hitler wanted this occupation after dropping out of high school
- 39. Conference that included Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin to talk about post war Germany
- 41. German Air Force, led by Goring
- 42. Policy allowing the US to lend war goods to nations standing up for democracy
- 44. 1st. atomic bomb dropped on Japan - the nickname
- 45. Gas used to kill mass numbers of Jews in the camps
- 47. Deputy Fuhrer to Hitler, met in prison
- 48. Conference of German leadership where the Final Solution was decided upon to the Jewish Question
- 49. 1st aircraft carrier vs carrier battle, ended in a tie
- 51. Battle that brought about the end of Germany in the Atlantic Theater
- 52. Battle location where Desmond Doss's actions earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor
- 53. Women's Auxiliary Army Corps
- 55. Churchill called Germanys Luftwaffe attack over London The Battle of ________
- 56. 5 Star General who planned the entire invasion of Normandy
- 59. Women's Air Service Pilots
- 62. German military practice of Lightning War
- 63. Americas Naval Response to Pearl Harbor's attack
- 65. Area of France where D-Day would be launched
- 66. Most historians argue the start of WW2 was when this county was invaded
- 68. Color of badge worn by homosexuals in the camps
- 70. 1st major battle Japan used Kamikazes
- 72. American citizens were asked to save on sugar, meat, wheat, rubber, and metal in a program of....
- 74. Color of badge worn by political prisoners in the camps
- 75. Invasion of Normandy France by the US was called this
- 76. Island battle where the famed raising the flags picture was captured
- 78. This policy of boarding all Japanese in America as a plan against espionage
- 79. Japan invaded the Philippines and conducted this to Camp O'Donnell
- 1. Color of badge worn by asocials such as Roma in the camps
- 2. Area hit by the first atomic bomb
- 3. Children born in the US of Japanese immigrants
- 5. Pact signed by both Russia and Germany early in WW2
- 7. Name of the plane launched to drop the 1st atomic bomb
- 10. Celebrities providing support for the soldiers and their families during WW2, Hosted by Bob Hope
- 11. Policy to help Allied nations purchase war goods from the US without violating neutrality
- 12. Many of these during the Battle of Britain came from th eUS
- 14. Germany;s invasion of Russia nickname
- 15. US ship at Pearl Harbor that capsized
- 16. The Treaty that was not viewed as valid to the German Government
- 18. Color of the badge worn by the Jews in the camps
- 19. Selling these helped pay for the US involvement in the war
- 20. Another name for the US Draft
- 21. plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki
- 23. US Ship that carried all the components of the atomic bomb to be put together, sunk in shark infested waters
- 25. Code name for the atomic bomb project
- 26. The Green Light Letter by FDR said that this sport would continue during the early portions of WW2
- 30. Great Britains policy to slow Germany down as they worked through Europe
- 31. Became President of the US following FDR's stroke
- 35. German for living space and the ideology to expand
- 36. Horrific example of crimes against humanity by Japan against China
- 40. The area where Germany surrendered in WW1 and now making France surrender in WW2
- 43. Hitler and his inner circle of friends went down into this below Berlin
- 46. Aircraft carrier that was assumed sunk by the Japanese at Coral
- 50. 2nd atomic bomb dropped on Japan - the nickname
- 52. Main beach during the Normandy invasion attacked by the US
- 54. Night Of_____ _______, getting rid of all political rivals to Hitler
- 57. Assaulted by the Japanese Imperial Army with potential war crimes
- 58. More than 1/2 the casualties at Pearl Harbor were aboard this ship
- 60. When the USS Indianapolis was sunk, the men had to deal with these sea creatures
- 61. Color of badge worn by criminals in the camps
- 64. Term for those born in Japan but immigrated to the US
- 67. The Night of Broken Glass
- 69. FDR Speech known as the Day Of __________, in regards to the attack on Pearl Harbor
- 71. Japanese suicide fighter pilot
- 73. Area hit by the 2nd atomic bomb
- 77. Operation code name of the invasion of Normandy