- 2. project, secret project to construct the atomic bomb
- 6. night of broken glass
- 7. Harbor, military strike by Japan that brought the US into the war
- 9. Japanese Suicide planes
- 10. German dictator
- 11. code, a code based on the complex, unwritten Navajo language
- 12. hopping, bypass heavily fortified enemy islands instead of trying to capture every island in sequence
- 13. Allied forces invaded northern France
- 14. the Riveter, represented the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II
- 1. prime minister of the UK during WW2
- 3. diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to avoid conflict
- 4. Airmen, African-American military pilots and airmen who fought in World War II
- 5. German warfare
- 8. dictator of the Soviet Union
- 10. genocide of European Jews