  1. 4. American moving from island to island to get to Japan
  2. 5. battle where britian saves france
  3. 6. over saturation of the market
  4. 7. Big ole sand storm in the early 1930s thet devestated the plains
  5. 8. A deal between germany and the soviet unio that they wont attack eachother so germanys not fighting on both sides
  6. 10. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Tojo
  7. 12. a series of public reforms that attempted to cure the deppression
  8. 13. federal law that provided aid to people in the great deppression
  9. 14. German Naval submarines (hint "U" and boats used to sink american naval ships)
  1. 1. Getting invloved in other peoples buissness/ conflcts
  2. 2. not wanting to intervene in conflict/ avoiding conflict w/ other countries
  3. 3. Americans locking up Japanese Americans because they were "Scared they were spies"
  4. 5. getting a loan and using the loan to invest in stocks
  5. 9. when all the big stocks lost value/ bigest cause of deppression
  6. 11. Suprise Japanese attack on Americas biggest port (in hawaii)