  1. 1. battle in Normandy, France
  2. 2. U.S. response attack where a nuclear bomb was used
  3. 4. president during WW2
  4. 6. tactic used by the U.S. to gain the Pacific back
  5. 8. people that were brought to U.S. from Mexico to work
  6. 9. form of government where the government has total control
  7. 11. something one could buy to support military
  8. 12. Russian dictator
  9. 15. target of Japan's attack, initiated war
  10. 16. dictator that utilized fascism
  11. 17. german dictator
  12. 19. diplomatic policy where one gives into powers to avoid conflict
  1. 1. cartoonist that openly criticized the way America handled the war
  2. 3. bloodiest land battle
  3. 5. act that allowed the U.S. to lend supplies to other nations
  4. 7. used to sway public opinion about enemy
  5. 10. policy stating one should stay out of foreign affairs
  6. 13. laws against people of jewish decent
  7. 14. Japanese warfare tactic
  8. 18. something people could do at home to help with lack of resources