- 2. believes that any violence including war is unjustifiable under any circumstances
- 4. political union of Austria with Germany
- 7. A Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives
- 8. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- 9. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
- 10. the historical German name for the northern, southern, and western, areas of former Czecholovakia which were inhabited primarily by Sudeten Germans
- 11. Camp where people were under harsh conditions without regard to legal norms of arrest
- 13. principle that the U.S should give support to countries that were threatened
- 1. the action or process of appeasing
- 3. an intense military campaign to bring in swift victories
- 5. Provided markets for American goods,created reliable trading partners
- 6. A system that would allow the U.S to lend or lease war supplies
- 12. German air weapon