  1. 4. Japanese suicide Bombers
  2. 6. Japans surprise attack on a US naval base in Hawaii
  3. 7. The mass murder of millions of people
  4. 9. A group of people lead by Hitler thought to be the better race
  5. 10. Germany,Italy and Japan
  6. 11. The country that invaded Poland starting WW2
  7. 12. The leader of the Nazis
  8. 13. The turning point in WW2
  9. 14. People targeted by the Nazis
  1. 1. A weapon of mass destruction that brought an end to WW2
  2. 2. The country the brought the US into war
  3. 3. Living Space
  4. 5. Hitler's bodyguards
  5. 8. Lightning-War
  6. 9. The place where D-Day took place