- 1. The League of Nations did this to Germany to avoid war
- 4. ______ of Democracy; FDR coined for how the U.S would supply the Allies
- 5. First country that Germany invaded
- 6. Last name of Prime Minister of Britain that gave Hitler the Sudetenland and supposedly brought peace
- 10. _____ Conference
- 11. "Calm before the storm" of WW2
- 12. An intense form of warfare that is meant to result in a quick victory; Used during the British invasion
- 2. The area that Japan first invaded
- 3. Form of government that Hitler and Mussolini supported
- 7. Initials of the special force that helped save Britain from the Blitz
- 8. The name of the alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan
- 9. U.S stance during the start of the war
- 13. How Churchill and FDR addressed the nation to comfort them during the war