- 2. Name of the leader of Japan during WW2
- 7. Name of the man that was the lead general of the invasion of D-Day
- 9. The name of the country that invaded Poland to start WW2
- 10. what month did WW2 start and end
- 12. what two countries where in conflict before WW2 started
- 14. Name of the event that persecuted many Jews
- 15. name of the surprise attack that Germany put on France
- 16. Name of the town that the first atomic bomb was dropped on
- 17. Name of the leader of the Soviet union during WW2
- 20. what was the code name of battle of Normandy
- 22. Name of the leader of the US for most of WW2
- 23. how many sections was Germany divided into after WW2
- 24. Name of the bloodiest battle in WW2
- 1. how did Hitler die
- 3. Name of the leader of Italy during WW2
- 4. name of the camps that Jews where tortured in
- 5. where was the first atomic bomb tested at
- 6. Name of the prime minister of the Uk during WW2
- 8. what was the longest battle in WW2
- 11. Name of the place where Japan bombed the US to get them into WW2
- 13. what country lost the most lives in WW2
- 16. Name of the president that called the atomic bomb to be launched
- 18. Name of the leader of Germany during WW2
- 19. how long did WW2 last
- 21. the amount of Jews killed from the holocausts